The center is self-sufficient solar energy and incorporates a novel system for collecting rainwater that can be reused for irrigation
The president of the Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, today inaugurated the new Secondary School 'Federico Balart' folds, which houses more than 200 students and has involved an investment of 5,380,000 euros.
Valcárcel, accompanied by the Minister for Education, Training and Employment, Sotoca Constantine, and Pliego Mayor, Isabel Toledo, toured the facilities of the center, which has a total of 16 units, and has been specially designed to respect the environment environment and the environment in which it is located.
The IES 'Federico Balart' has a new system of rainwater collection, called omnifiltración, that can be reused for irrigation.
In addition, we have installed photovoltaic solar panels that allow self-sufficiency.
It is therefore, the president said, a building "modern and friendly environment, which strengthens the network of public schools in the region."
The building, situated at the town of Alhama is also perfectly suited to meet the needs of students or any person with physical disability, and is divided into three modules: two for the classrooms, administrative offices and center services, and a third who welcomes the Sports Hall.
The facilities also have outdoor courts.
The IES, said Valcárcel, has been designed with the aim that in future, to expand its current facilities if they advise the demand for more places for students.
The president stressed that the new center marks a significant improvement "for the quality of education in the municipality, which is to spread that students do not have to travel to other places to study."
"Education," said the president of the Community, "is our main tool of the future, so it is necessary, as this government is doing, investing in infrastructure improvements to achieve improved quality of teaching promoting stimulating environments for learning. "
In the town of Pliego, the regional government has invested in the past two years over € 100,000 for the refurbishment and expansion of other schools.
Furthermore, in the coming months are going to undertake other works, such as repairing the roof of the central pavilion of the school Pascual Abellán Martínez, with an investment of close to 30,000 euros.
Source: CARM